Summer is the perfect time for some professional learning and we hope you will join us for these in-depth workshops, some on Zoom, some in person.
The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching
Andrew Watson
Target Audience: PK – 12 Teachers, Academic Leaders, Academic Support
Three-session series
The Building Blocks of Small School Financial Health- for Administrators
Brooke Carroll
Target Audience: Heads of Schools, Business Managers
Education for the Age of AI
Charles Fadel
Target Audience: Teachers, administrators, and curriculum developers
The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching
Andrew Watson
Target Audience: PK – 12 Teachers, Academic Leaders, Academic Support
Three-session series
Engagement Protocols: Learning Routines that Help Students Build Relationships with the Course Material and Each Other – Session 1
Preparing for Learning with Values-Activating Questions
Lauren Porosoff
Target Audience: Middle and high school teachers of all subjects, academic administrators
Engagement Protocols: Learning Routines that Help Students Build Relationships with the Course Material and Each Other – Session 2
Exploring New Material with Track and Acknowledge
Lauren Porosoff
Target Audience: Middle and high school teachers of all subjects, academic administrators
Engagement Protocols: Learning Routines that Help Students Build Relationships with the Course Material and Each Other – Session 3
Reviewing the Material with the Emotions and Values Audit
Lauren Porosoff
Target Audience: Middle and high school teachers of all subjects, academic administrators
AI for Academic Excellence: Unleashing the power of tech
Brianna Ingram
Target Audience: Educators and administrators
The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching
Andrew Watson
Target Audience: PK – 12 Teachers, Academic Leaders, Academic Support
Three-session series
Navigating Change: What Game Theory and Organizational Politics Can Tell Us About Getting Things Done
Christina Hultholm
Target Audience: Heads of School, Trustees, Leadership Team members (but it could be interesting to other administrators as well)
The Essential Role of Sleep for Adolescent Well-Being
Lisa Lewis
Target Audience: Teachers and school professionals
Metacognition: Supporting our Students to Build Awareness of their Understanding
Jennifer Haakmat, Deborah Costa, & Lauren Kronthal
Target Audience: K-8th Teachers, Academic Leaders, Academic Support
The Question: An Online Workshop on the Question as Invitation
Suzanne Snider
Target Audience: This workshop is for teachers and educators with learners of all ages, parents, radio producers, journalists, caregivers, health workers, family historians, therapists, artists, scholars, oral historians and more. No experience necessary.
Both Fish and Fowl: A 3-Part Leadership Workshop Series for New Department Heads, 2024-25
Dalia Aidoo, Stephen Mak, & Eric Zahler
Spence School, NYC
Target Audience: Department Heads in their first two years in that role
The 2024 Presidential Election: Empowering Students as Critical Consumers of Media
Katie Leo & Jason Butler
Target Audience: 6-12 Educators